Animation projects Animation Mango mobilités • Vision FilmProposal of a vision film/animated storyboard to promote APRR motorway services neighborhoodMade with stop motion during some long winter nights, in Brussels. Subtitles excerpt from Trailer Park Boys, "Jim Lahey is a drunk bastard" (S02 E02) Econocom • Just SwitchCreation and production of the detailed storyboard for the launch of Econocom's "just switch". Motion design by Squarefish Wendel • ConnectStoryboard and motion design for the launch of the new Wendel's intranet: connect Econocom • Switch to dopaEconocom introduces its new program towards customer relationship excellence - DOPA Creation of a detailed storyboard. Motion design by Squarefish GRTGAZ • SI DAYSCreation and production of the detailed storyboard. Motion design by Squarefish econocom • 2019Creation and production of the detailed storyboard. Motion design by Squarefish