Wood magazine

Wood Magazine


"Wood" magazine is the result of an editorial exercise following the creation and production of 5 masks. We had to choose a name, create an identity, cover, title management, summary, different chapters, typographic grid management, page numbering, management of advertisements, while thinking of the finished product (volume, thickness, format, choice of paper, etc.) in relation to the masks made beforehand.

"Wood" is an art magazine about the savage questioning our paradoxal relationship with the nature and it's implications.
Magazine of 96 pages, A4 size, printed on recycled paper and edited in 3 copies.


Creation of a series of 5 masks on the theme of the spirits of certain tribes and certain myths - notably Scandinavian and Asian. The photographs of these masks were taken in a studio with the assistance of Clara Farhat.

Each mask hides a story rooted in international folklore. These masks are faithful to the psychic representation of spirits through the use of natural materials - wood, bark, moss, bugs, bamboo, etc. - which can equally show power, ferocity, serenity or even introspection.

The mask represents both identity and non-identity. It allows you to transform, to free yourself or to find yourself.